Just another WordPress.com weblog

outreach…ahhhhh. crazy.

hey there lovely people 🙂

so i’ve just finally added a “donate” button to my blog after trying to master it for ages.. and finally being helped out by a fellow brit. it’s just to the right of my blog posts- if you click on the donate button it will take you to another website where you can donate…. if you so wish!! i in no way whatsoever want to make this a focus, but at the same time it IS a need I have right now and I’m really stepping out in faith that He will provide for the next part of this dts. As of yet, they havent got a full estimate for the cost of my 3 month outreach, but they’ve asked us to pay a deposit of $2,500 on thursday. I would love it if you could pray about this; that I would see the money come in and have complete trust in His provision. Also, if you know of anyone at all you would be willing to contribute, i would be so so thankful if you could pass my blog link over to them.

Also, just underneath the donate button on the right is an amazon.co.uk sign- if you click on that, you will be taken to the amazon uk site- BUT for every purchase you make from amazon uk through clicking on that link, I will get 5% of the amount you spend. it seems so little, but as they always say, “every little adds up”… so feel free to pass that link on to others too!


Okay. enough about all of that.

Last night I had a great evening… had a games evening with some of my class mates (videos to come) and then later, we walked down to the ocean where we sat on the rocks and shared some mud pie.. some incredible kona coffee icecream cookie chocolate delicious goodness. mmm.

today we had our first lecture for this week- being taught by a couple called Andrew and Faith Dutton on “freedom in christ”.. im so excited to really get into this week. i think its gonna be a good one. later tonight we have another photography class, but this time we’ll be learning how to FILM… so thats gonna be pretty cool. im excited to learn more about that and pick up a few ideas, i have a film recording function on my camera but i have NO idea to actually use it well. it’ll be good to get a new assignment!


okay. so thats all for now. i’ll post again soon! have a great day 🙂

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